Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wish You Were Here: Intel offers homework help for employees, kids

A wonderful resource for frustrated kids and stressed parents, a new benefit at Intel provides employees and their children access to, an online portal offering homework help in every subject from adjectives to algebra. Mark Dominguez, an 18-year Intel veteran and an Arizona father of four (with two still in school), says that – given the tough economic realities employers are facing – the benefit has “boosted my spirits. I think it’s very important.”

Dominguez watched his 13-year-old son, an eighth-grader, interact with the tutors online. “They weren’t solving the problems for him. They were forcing him to work through the problems. I know that when he comes out of that session, he’s not just getting the answer, he’s really understanding how to solve the problems, and that was big for me.”

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